October 28, 2011
To Whom It May Concern:
D'vorah has been a long term valuable asset to our company, and she will always have a job here as long as she desires one. I hated to see her leave. Honestly, I would hire her back without a second thought.
My personal recommendation is as follows, “rarely does someone come along that you not only respect, but that you actually look forward to seeing coming into work each day. D'vorah was all that, and more. She regularly took on extra responsibilities, easily earned the respect of her co-workers, and I always knew that as long as she was working in the hospital, that someone was there making sure that everything would be running smoothly. D'vorah always gave me the distinct impression that she felt the place was as much "hers" as it was ours, and that she would endeavor to make our clients happy, make sure our patients were well taken care of, and no matter what craziness might be happening, she'd help find a solution and assure us that everything would be OK in the end.”
Phillip Raclyn, DVM, CVA
October 28, 2011
To Whom It May Concern:
I have known D'vorah for more than 19 years. Starting off her years as a groomer with her own establishment on New York’s Upper West Side, I trusted no one else to send my clients to. Her ability to relate to both the pets and their guardians were unmatched by any other person. As time went on, and her interest became more in the medical practice, I immediately hired her as a Veterinary Assistant. She is dedicated, intelligent, talented, and a compassionate worker. She was able to "reach" people, and to help them understand complicated situations, as well as, work in calm and secure way with the patients. She not only learned new skills quickly but was able to teach them to others. In fact she was our head Exam Room Technician, and was responsible for training others. The general qualities mentioned above would be of great benefit to any field she entered, and D'vorah would be a great asset as an employee. I would highly recommend her.
Dr. Steven Kasanofsky, DVM, CVA
Riverside Animal Hospital
June 10, 2009
Our family has known D'vorah both personally and professionally for over fifteen years. D'vorah has a deep knowledge of animal care and an enduring compassion for their human families. We will always be grateful to her for her many years of service on behalf of our beloved dog. We enthusiastically recommend her.
Susan Reib and family, NYC
July 28, 2009
To Whom It May Concern:
I am a former pet owner who has known D'vorah for 15 years in New York City. During the course of that time, I have seen her perform numerous duties as a pet groomer, veterinary nurse/technician and grief counselor for pet loss. She has always performed her duties professionally and cheerfully, and she has always shown great love for the animals she cares for as well as concern for the humans who are their companions.
D'vorah personally helped guide the care required by my 15-year-old dachshund Thor in his final weeks of life through nightly emails and Internet communications to me. She did this on her own, even though she was in Israel and we were in New York. Thor was disabled from the waist down and required acupuncture and a special pet wheelchair to walk in during the last five years of his life. For years, D'vorah assisted our primary veterinarian, Dr. Stephen Kasanofsky of Riverside Animal Hospital at 250 West 108th Street in New York City. She ably assisted in a wide range of duties, from routine check-ups to nail trimming and answering questions about Thor's health and care.
In May, Thor suffered kidney failure and I had to put him to sleep. In his final weeks, D'vorah kept in touch and gave me numerous suggestions for his care that were extremely helpful in increasing Thor's comfort level and quality of life and extending his life as long as possible. In addition, since losing Thor in late May, D'vorah has been helpful in talking to me as I grieve for Thor's loss. I know that Deborah has had numerous pets of her own, she has a genuine love for animals, and I cannot recommend anyone more highly than D'vorah for veterinary work.
James P. Grondin
New York, NY 10025

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